Mission statement
The Heidelberger Kunstverein (HdKV) is dedicated to the exhibition, new production and mediation of regional and (inter)national contemporary art. For more than 150 years, artists of their time have been able to be experienced and discovered here. At the same time, the HDKV aims to act as a public forum for combining aesthetic and social issues and as a lively platform for civil society. In addition to its work on exhibitions, this is achieved through extensive accompanying and educational programmes, which are often based on networks
and initiatives.
With approximately 700 members, the HDKV is one of the art associations with the most members in relation to the number of inhabitants in Heidelberg in Germany.
Heidelberger Kunstverein is a member of Kunst Heidelberg
Steffen Sigmund
First Chairman
Brigitte Sölch
Deputy Chairman
Matthias Günther
Diana Frasek
Ute Clement
Previous Website
Artist applications
Unfortunately, we are currently unable to process and respond to any further initiative applications from artists. Please note that we assume no liability for unsolicited documents and must refrain from returning them for reasons of cost! We ask for your understanding.
Søren Grammel
Fabienne Finkbeiner
Roberta Pfingsten
Jasmin Al-Hadjadj, Lis Hindenberger, Mira Königs, Georg Streck, Sofie Weber
Visitor Service
Advisory Committee
The Advisory Board of the Heidelberger Kunstverein consists of twelve members who are elected by the Assembly of Members for a period of four years. The Advisory Board assists the Executive Board in an advisory capacity and through active collaboration and is convened at least four times a year. In accordance with § 11 of the Statutes, the elections of the Advisory Board took place at the Annual General Meeting 2022. After the election, the Advisory Board is composed as follows:
Katharina Andes, Artist
Julia Behrens, Journalist
Niels Bergemann, Doctor
Carolin Ellwanger, Cultural Manager
Stefan Hohenadl, Cultural Politician
Herbert A. Jung, Artist
Cholud Kassem, Artist
Matthias Kutsch, Politician
Cora Maria Malik, Cultural Manager
Claudia Paul, Manager
Jürgen Popig, Theatre Director
Mario Urlaß, University Professor
In a spacious, light-flooded hall in the heart of Heidelberg's old town, the Heidelberger Kunstverein presents contemporary art on three floors. The building, designed by architect Dieter Quast and awarded a plaque by the Association of German Architects, opened its doors in 1990.
The Kunstverein is located together with the Kurpfälzisches Museum in an idyllic courtyard, accessible from Hauptstraße 97.
Institutional Support